Ex-Machina Devlog

At the beginning of the project we watched the movie Ex Machina, this gave us insight on how the task we would be required to make.

We were also required to produce a presentation showing off our game ideas, this mean brainstorming and shooting ideas off of one another. We came up with at least 15 ideas, some wacky, some good and some that were a bit outlandish. in the end we got the list down to 2 or 3 good ideas that we each liked. But ultimately chose the one that was most popular, a game set in between the events of Nathan being drunk where Caleb changes hacks the doors and Ava escaping.

We drafted up several map ideas and eventually, we picked one that wasn't too big, but suited how we wanted the movement to be. Movement and time was something that we debated over several times while we built the game, but we always came back to having a system that was based on score based movement, meaning that the less moves you make, the more score you can get. We also wanted a penalty system where you could lose if you took too long. Another feature that we wanted was mini-games but that idea was somewhat scrapped as building and coming up with ideas for mini-games was harder than planned. In the final version we only have one mini-game, which is binary addition, which the player must then convert to decimal.

Overall the games development was rushed and incomplete, me and the team, should have been consistently working on it much more than we were, but due to bad communication and a lack of understanding that lead to some prolonged issues, that were holding up the project. It came out more like a prototype than a finished game, with it still having bugs and some cut content. 

Get Ex-Machina - Escape The Movie

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